SPECIFIC DANISH LESSONS With a mix of presentations, texts and discussions, you will gain a deep understanding of the Danish Culture
These lessons can be conducted in both Danish and English, depending on the students level of Danish
We will go through the customs of Danish job interviews, go through your CV and simulate your coming job interview, where you will get a chance to practice answering questions about your previous experience, your qualifications and your potential future position.
Recommended lessons: 5-10
• Important things to know when going to a Danish job interview
• Going through CV and/or resume
• Presentation of company and position
• Job interview simulation with questions
Get an accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. You will learn what really drives, inspires, and worries your personality type, helping you build more meaningful relationships, be more effective at your job and in general have a deeper understanding of why you react the way you do in certain situations. We will go through 60 questions and discuss your personality type description afterwards.
Recommended lessons: 5-10
• 60 questions on your personality
• Personality type description
• Strengths and weaknesses
• Career paths
• Workplace behaviour
PRACTICALITIES How does it work?
• The lessons can either be done online (through either Skype or Zoom) or in person at our office in Frederiksberg.
• Materials will all be online through Google Presentations. You will get access to an online presentation with grammar, exercises and vocabulary lists from our lessons which you can access and add notes to whenever you wish.
• Working hours are 10AM to 6PM (danish time).
• You can book a free trial lesson which lets you get a feeling of the lessons and most importantly of the teacher. Here, you will be able to see if the right chemistry is there and whether you wish to proceed with buying lessons. You will also get a chance to explain your needs, your prefered learning style and about your interests so we can customize our lesson content to you, making them as relevant and motivational for you as possible.
• Do you have any questions? Please contact me: Adil.Mirzakhanova@gmail.com
Contact us Tell us what classes you are interested in and we will send you more information about our prices